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Gilbert Strang 교수
선형 대수학
Introduction to Linear Algebra
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왜 그렇게나 많은 사람들이 길버트 스트랭 교수님을 최고의 교육자로 뽑는 이유를 말입니다.
Lecture 01. 리니어 이퀘이션의 기하학
Lecture 02. 소거법
Lecture 03. 곱셈과 인버스 매트릭스
Lecture 06. Column Space
Lecture 07. Solving Ax = 0: Pivot Variables, Special Solutions
Lecture 08. Solving Ax = b: Row Reduced Form R
Lecture 09. Independence, Basis, and Dimension
Lecture 10. 4 개의 기본적인 Subspaces
Lecture 11. Matrix Spaces; Rank 1; Small World Graphs
Lecture 12. 그래프, 네트워크, Incidence Matrices
Lecture 13. Quiz 1 Review
Lecture 14. 직교 벡터와 Subspaces
Lecture 15. Projections onto Subspaces
Lecture 16. Projection Matrices and Least Squares
Lecture 17. 직교와 Gram-Schmidt
Lecture 18. Properties of Determinants
Lecture 19. Determinant Formulas and Cofactors
Lecture 20. Cramer's Rule, Inverse Matrix, and Volume
Lecture 21. 아이겐밸류와 아이겐벡터
Lecture 22. Diagonalization and Powers of A
Lecture 23. Differential Equations and exp(At)
Lecture 24. Product Rule and Quotient Rule
Lecture 24b. Quiz 2 Review
Lecture 25. Symmetric Matrices and Positive Definiteness
Lecture 26. 컴플렉스 매트릭스; 빠른 푸리에 변환
Lecture 27. 양정치 매트릭스
Lecture 28. Similar Matrices and Jordan Form
Lecture 29. Singular Value Decomposition
Lecture 30. 선형변환
Lecture 31. Change of Basis
Lecture 32. Quiz 3 Review
Lecture 33. Left and Right Inverses; Pseudoinverse
Lecture 34. Course Review
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